JP On Gaming

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Real Life: Thank you Lord

For once, a real life post that does not suck. Just good news.

I just returned from Montreal, my hometown. There I attended what I thought was my sister' 50th birthday. I was glad to do something for her. She is the godmother of both my eldest daughter and me.

However, my lovingly devious wife concocted a scheme where it was not JUST for my sister but a 40th birthday party for me as well! It was a 50th and a 40th together! (or a 90th as my brother so kindly put it).

It was a great and happy surprise to see my parents, all 3 of my siblings with their families, my in-laws and their family, my oldest best buds, and a veritable horde of children: nieces, nephews, and friends from ages 22 to a few months. I cannot tell you how excited I was to see the latest two family additions: little Malek and baby Joanny.

It was truly a great evening, one I will not soon forge where I only had enough time to spend a few, too short moments with everyone. Speak and laugh with everyone. Great plans and future vacation ideas were discussed, good times and fun stories also surfaced.

In all this hustle, feeding frenzy, and organized chaos, I could not help but spare a moment to thank the Good Lord for surrounding me with so many loving people. Really making me a very lucky person.

Now that I have a moment to sit back and reflect on things. I am twice as thankful for having everyone in my life.

A few shout-outs to my wife Julie for putting this together and stalling me when I wanted to get there early not to miss the surprise.

Second, to my sister Christine on that big day for her too. I tease her a lot, but I love her for it too.

Finally to everyone who attended: un gros MERCI de m'avoir fait réaliser une fois de plus la chance que j'ai d'être entouré de gens aussi divers et formidables. Même de loin on ne vous oublie pas et on s'ennuie du temps trop court qu'on passe ensemble. Merci. Merci. Merci Seigneur.

I have no pictures of the event myself. But they do exist...

Again, Thank you Lord for having place all of these people in my life. Thank you.


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